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Nana and Papa, I'll Miss You

Posted on May 29, 2022 in Personal tagged Family

Nana and Papa

It took me several days to write this, as every word would bring back memories and my emotions would take over.

My paternal grandma and grandpa died recently; Nana and Papa we called them for as long as I can remember. While many people my age have lost or will soon lose their grandparents, for me this was especially sad lost. While most grandchildren will see their grandparents a few times each year for their birthdays and Christmas and whatnot, my sister and I spent several years basically living out of their house. For myself, this was first through fourth grade.

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Why not Windows?

Posted on February 15, 2022 in Technology tagged Computer Software

I've been using Linux as my primary operating system for a long time now, long enough to have forgotten some of the nuances and downsides of it. Looking at the newer features of Windows 11, I've been tempted to switch back, and I even tried using it for a month or so. Ultimately, however, it didn't work out, and the more I think about it the more cons I can think of.

Don't get me wrong, Linux isn't perfect, and some of those defects are the reason why I thought about switching, however there are a handful of things that I just can't get over about Windows, causing me to stay with Linux.

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The Big Lie

Posted on December 31, 2021 in Politics tagged Life

Schools today teach everyone that the only way to be successful in life is to graduate college, and not from any college, one of the big-name colleges at that.

The problem is that college can be expensive, and big-name colleges even more so. Lets talk about that.

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